
A survey of the great myths confirm that the gods are not interested in our perfect. Only our courage. No more timid gestures. Let's get you there. My work is an intuitive blend of shadow work, non-dualism, and  mindfulness. It refers to the great mystics, ancient spiritual texts, Carl Jung, Joseph Campbell, and the elder creatives. 

1:1 With Me

Open Consult: $95 - 60mins (virtual)

1:1 consult session. So, let's just talk -- about your creative process, a thought, a question, anything. The goal is courage and vitality for your life's work. I'm agnostic to how we get there.

Creativity & Shadow Work consult: $150 - 90mins (virtual)

1:1 session taking you through my proprietary creative shadow work methods, for those who feel blocked, or that it's time for some rigorous attention to blind-spots. This work embraces fears and shadow matter as allies. Tension leveraged as a change-agent, revealing the kind of courage you art demands of you.

For other inquiries or services please connect here.

Disclaimer: The consultation services offered by A Note From Self and Vanessa Aldrich are for educational purposes only and are not a substitute for professional therapy, medical advice, or spiritual guidance. Vanessa Aldrich is not a licensed therapist, medical professional, or ordained spiritual guide. I am  not responsible or liable for any decisions, actions, or outcomes resulting from our consultations. Your use of and attendance to  any services offered is an unconditional acceptance of this disclaimer and acknowledgment of personal responsibility for your choices. For any health-related concerns, please consult a licensed professional.