
In 5000+ years of sacred and spiritual texts across the planet, all traditions refer to their god as "The Creator." Creative people should sit with that fact for as long as it takes. 

A Note From Self is supports making a commitment to art for a lifetime.

It is a space to take your creativity more seriously that you ever have, in a way that might scare the out-going parts of your Self. 

It is a collection of tools and a wellspring of encouragement

It helps you cultivate a relationship with the only person who can get you out of your own way: you. 

A Note From Self: for your creative coming of age.

A Note About Me

A  Note From Self started as a personal project notes to myself,  journal entries on one theme: fear and my creative journey.  I made these notes public just to cultivate a penetrating vulnerability with myself. This process helped me unlock the kind of embarrassing bravery my  art was craving, helping me get out of my own way.  

Today, A Note From Self is me sharing those notes and that process with you. My goal is to help  you cultivate the same courage and honesty your art demands.
My first and truest passion is singing. I am a classically trained soprano -- opera, concert, and song -- living and working in New York City (you can learn more about my singing career here). Opera is an artform that requires wicked courage and discipline.   So, i write everything here from experience, and share it with love. 

On the operatic stage I inhabit the roles of royalty and mythic heroines. As a recitalist, I create  programs that weave together unlikely themes – fashion, art,  sensuality, and history – inviting new audiences into the world of classical repertory. 

I'm also a lifelong student of world religion, mysticism, philosophy, and myth, always craving to be guided by a deeper, more archaic wisdom.  As a writer, my work hovers somewhere at the intersection of all of this, reinterpreting these teachings through the lens of creativity. My goal: make it accessible for the modern artist + build community around it. 

After closing a chapter in the fashion working for a major Italian heritage brand,  I am now at home in the world of my own creative and spiritual unfolding. 

I attended the University of California, Berkeley where I studied Music, History, and Political Science, and later pursued a graduate degree in Opera at The Longy Conservatory of Music. I also hold several certifications in Shadow Work.