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The Villain Challenge (October)

The Villain Challenge: The Shadow Self as Creative Catalyst

What: Think 75 Hard but for your creativity.
When: October SOLDOUT (Oct 1-6 Prep, Challenge Starts Oct 7)

October Enrollment: SOLD OUT (in less than 12 Hours)
You were RAVENOUS - thank you.

November Waitlist now for early access to enrollment (October 8)

What if your art needs you to be a villain?

You're not stuck because something's wrong with you. You're stuck because you're playing by old rules, or rules that don’t serve your gifts. The Villain Challenge invites you to break those rules, and discover what serves your creativity.

Rooted in shadow work, mythology, and the wisdom elder creatives, The Villain Challenge helps you embody your inner antagonist. Unleash potent creative momentum from the depths of your psyche.

In every myth, Villains catalyze the hero's growth. They force confrontation with the most critical fears. It's time for you to play both roles, which is exactly what your art needs from you, and why you are stuck.

As within every myth, the Hero’s coming-of-age is complete when they confront their Villain.

Our best creative work emerges from our evolved, courageous selves. The Villain Challenge helps you tap into that courage, and offers the structure, accountability, and support to fuel creative evolution.


  • Villain Workout: 45 min Workout no exceptions

  • Villain Plotting: 45 mins on the creative work your avoid

  • Villain Morning Pages: Journaling in the voice of your villain

  • Villain Lair: Maintain an impeccable Creative Space

  • Villain Purification: Pick a vice, abstain for the duration of the challenge.

  • Villain Meditation: 10 mins/day

  • Villain Embodiment: Find/Create a scenario in which you can show up as your villain, every ay

November - What’s Included:

  • ADDED: 5 Live Workshops w Vanessa (replays sent if you cannot attend live) (6 total hours of workshop time)

  • NEW: Accountability + Coworking Sessions

    • Creativity + Brainstorming

    • finance + entrepreneurship

    • meditation + fitness

  • NEW: Creativity exercises

    • deepened creativity

    • implementation

  • Daily structured, progressive journal prompts. Founded in shadow work, all geared toward creativity.

  • Private Community Group

  • Curated Library of workouts

  • Curated Library of supplemental material, inspiration, and additional resources

  • PDF Guide: Lessons, Guided Exercises, Journal Prompts, Schedule, and Supplemental/Supportive Material.

  • Discounts to 1:1 services (space limited)

  • Lifetime access to material

November Challenge Schedule and Workshop Outline

  • Prep Week (Oct 28-Nov 3): Getting Organized - Community Discord opens, prep materials, plan ahead, get organized

  • Week 1 (Week of Nov 4): Meeting Your Villain and Your Inner Coward - Intro to shadow work, discover your inner villain, build a lore that allows you to defeat your inner coward

  • Week 2 (Week of Nov 11): Harnessing Villainous Traits of Creativity - Explore how "villainous" traits can fuel creativity. Learn how your shadow can help you break outdated creative rules

  • Week 3(Week of Nov 18): Facing Your Creative Fears - Diving into the fears that keep you stuck

  • Week 4 (Week of Nov 25): Integration and Transformation - Strategies for long-term integration of your inner villain into your creative practice

Who Should Join?

  • Anyone feeling creatively stuck, in their own way, or sick of their sh*t

  • Creators, artists, etc. who wishing to go deeper into their process

  • anyone craving a network of fellow creatives, craftsman, wisdom seekers, and entrepreneurs.

  • Women Who Run with the Wolves (you know who you are, and you crave to be given permission…)

  • Nerds: Mythology, Jung, Anime, Joseph Campbell, Star Wars, James Hollis, DC/Marvel, enthusiasts.

Who Should NOT Join?

  • Not a Substitute for Professional Help
    This challenge and community cannot replace therapy, medical treatment, or spiritual guidance. Anyone needing professional support for acute issues should seek help elsewhere.

  • No Real-Life Villains
    The Villain Challenge is for creative expression and personal growth only. It is not an excuse or encouragement to cause actual harm. Anyone with real vendettas or malicious intent is not welcome.

all sales final, non-refundable, or transferrable.

September 26

Reading Group: James Baldwin's Wisdom for the Creative Path

October 26

Artist's Profile: Morgan Leigh (Process & Creative Coming-of-Age)