Getting Out of Your Own Way: Shadow Work for Your Creativity $75
Dates & Times on next page
2-2.5 hour interactive workshop taking you through my creativity shadow work process.
Every artist reaches a stage of being deeply in their own way. It’s a rotten feeling. Beyond simply wanting to be delivered, you long to become totally different. You want nothing to do with where you are.
The ache you feel is your God-tier courage raging alongside unaddressed fear. You are lost, and daunted, but ready. There is no guide because you must become the guide. This is your creative coming-of-age.
This workshop will teach you how to mine for your major creative blocks in the hidden material of your psyche. It will teach you how to embrace fear and shame as guides so that you can unearth the path out of your own way. The courage you use to confront yourself is proportional to the courage you need to do the work of being seen with your gifts.
-Lessons: detailed overview of shadow work, understanding creative blocks
-Interactive workshopping: strategies to find your block, how to uncover what it reveals about your authentic creativity, how to unblock it, integration strategies, planning / next steps for your creative goals
Space limited.
Workshop designed and hosted by Vanessa Aldrich on zoom.
Participants will be send a video recording of workshop.
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